Thursday, February 6, 2020

Business Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Business Data Analysis - Essay Example The distribution of sales from each customer is analyzed to identify the most important customers. The call times for various calls are analyzed to identify the number of employees that need to be kept. Based on the analysis done, it is evident that company needs to analyze its performance with respect to quarter as well as profit center. The company needs to have 5 employees making sales calls. At the same time, the company was able to identify the most profitable customers on whom it needs to focus on. Introduction Laurel McRae has recently joined Handy Hydraulics for data analysis and strategic planning. In order to analyze the performance of the sales of the organization, Laurel collected the data for the sales for third and fourth quarter of 1990 and first and second quarter of 1991. She also collected the data regarding the machines and the days when they are working and various alternatives to replace the existing system. Number of calls received per hour was collected to anal yze the sales call being made and number of employees that shall be entrusted with the responsibility of handling calls. She also collected data regarding sales from each customer. This data enables Laurel find the company’s most profitable and least profitable customers. ... answers: Answer 1 a.) Histograms and relative frequency distributions of the company’s daily average order size for quarters 1 and 2 In the simplest of terms, histogram can be defined as a series of contiguous bars or rectangles representing frequency of the data in given intervals (Black, 2009). Histogram is a very useful tool to analyze the frequencies of different class interval. The daily average order size can be calculated as dividing the total sales by total orders. The table below shows the frequency table for the organization’s daily average order size for Q1 and Q2: Range Frequency Q1 Frequency Q2 220 0 0 Table 1: The frequency distribution table for daily average order size for Q1 and Q2 As can be seen from the table, majority of the frequency is concentrated towards the middle. The frequencies for Q1 as well as Q2 are 0 for all the intervals till the average order size of 59. While there is no daily average order size above 220 for Q1, there is no daily aver age order size above 200 for Q2. The best way to analyze this frequency distribution table is to analyze the histogram. The graph below shows the histogram for the company’s daily average order size for Q1 and Q2: Figure 1: Histogram of company’s daily average order size for Q1 and Q2 As can be seen from the graph, the frequency for both the seasons can be thought of following a normal curve. For Q2, the highest frequency is in the range of 100-119, while for Q1, the highest frequency is in the range of 120-139. b.) Quarterly charts for the company’s total number of orders per day The table below shows the frequency distribution for the total number of orders

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